How To Manage WordPress Users

If you are a regular WordPress user then you know how incredibly powerful this Content Management System (CMS) can be. Whether you manage a blog connected to your website or have your whole website built with WordPress, the functionality and usability cannot be beaten.

WordPress security concerns

Tens of thousands of plugins, themes, and widgets can make managing your website a dream. However, this does not mean that it is always sunny on the WordPress front. In fact, if not managed carefully, your website can be left open to attack. According to expert statistics, more than 70% of WordPress installations are currently vulnerable to attack.

WordPress security flaws typically take two forms. The first is via plugins that are not updated and patched regularly. As WordPress plugins age, hackers find ways to infiltrate weak spots in the code. Developers are typically quick to notice and release updates to patch the vulnerability. Keeping your WordPress up to date is simple as long as you regularly check the available updates tabs. With routine maintenance, you can be sure that hackers are warded off.

The second risk is through poorly managed WordPress users. These weaknesses can take shape as weak usernames and passwords or through shared logins that haven’t been updated in more than 60 days. Properly managing your WordPress users can be a little bit more difficult depending on how many users access your website on a regular basis. Learn more about how to keep your data safe with effective and secure WordPress user management below.

What are WordPress users?

A WordPress user is anyone who has access to make changes to your website either through shared logins or through a separate user created within WordPress. If in the past you have allowed multiple users to log in through shared username and passwords, you will want to change both the username and password immediately.

To protect your data, do not give any other users your new username and password under any circumstances. Be sure that your password does not use words from the dictionary, is at least ten characters, and uses a blend of numbers, letters, and special characters.

The rest of this article will demonstrate how to effectively create and manage individual users for each person who needs access to publish within your WordPress website.

Effectively managing WordPress users

Below are tips for managing your WordPress users without undue time or stress.

One user. One login. 

Be sure that each individual user has their own login information with strong usernames and passwords.

Delete any Admin user accounts.

Search through your users and delete any accounts that feature the username “Admin”. These accounts represent a particular data risk.

Use strong passwords.

Be sure that passwords are more than ten characters, use a blend of numbers, letters, and special characters, and are focused on password phrases rather than words that can be found in the dictionary.

Review users regularly.

Employees can be those who need access to your website change regularly. Be sure that you delete any unnecessary accounts as soon as possible.

Activate two-factor authentication.

By activating two-factor authentication (2FA) you add an additional layer of security to protect your data.

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